1.18.2 :: 02:06am PST

Everything is so PC. No, I'm not talking about Personal Computers or Program Counters, I'm talking about Politically Correct. It seems to be the standard now a days. Everything from Recycling, preserving the O-Zone, say things the right things the right way. It just seems so phoney to me. I don't even believe that half the people that say they are PC really are PC. And the same people that preach about being PC say they believe in a FREE WORLD. I say screw that... how can you have a free world when you have to adjust your standard of living around a bunch of rules... For example, there's a law in San Jose that makes it so you have to fit your weekly worth of trash into a 3x3x4 foot black garbage can... everything else has to be RECYCLED. Okay, I will admit I do believe recycling is a good thing, however, it's not a good thing when you have to do it... when you have to wash out your plastic trash so it can be recycled.

Remember, we want a free world... free of those stupid rules that bring everyone down. I have no quick solution for these types of things, but I would like to mention that all these people that are speaking politically correct are only buying into what the other person says... one person says something is politically correct... then the next person thinks that thing is politically correct.

Isn't a strange that it's politically CORRECT. Like you could be also politically WRONG... So, if you're not correct then somehow you are wrong. Who sets these standards?? And why do people buy into these things??? I guess there are some things that some people don't like... and whenever enough people think that it's the correct way of doing it, they call it PC. Screw those people...

Just because people give it a label that it's the correct way or the PC way, think for yourself. Don't let the government make these rules for you, don't let other people you know make these rules for you. Think for your self. And when everything is said and done you'll know yourself better, and what you believe in.

Think for your self.

The End