10.1.2 :: 010:20am PST


Like most Tuesdays at school I have class at 2 o'clock and I sit myself in one of those Chair/Desk things that barely give enough room to write notes. However, this Tuesday my elbow found itself squeezed between the arm rests with barely enough room to write.

Today's rant is about Elbow Etiquette. It's important to realize who your neighbors are. I believe hearing somewhere "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's space." This is especially important in regards to elbow space.

Here are a few simple rules to follow when elbows are touching in class:

(1) If you are sitting at a right-handed desk it's important you keep your left arm off the person's right arm rest (Fig. 1.1). This way you can avoid the possibility of touching elbows. You can use this hand to hold your notebook or it can rest firmly inside your pocket.

(2) If you have somewhat beefy arms you may want to consider your surplus flesh may creep over the arm rest to your left. This will undoubtedly cause elbow trouble with the person to your left. It is necessary to find another seat without neighbors.

(3) At all costs avoid extending your right elbow into your neighbors general area. This can be done by carelessly adjusting your upper torso downward into a more intense writing position. This can cause an extreme and nasty elbow jab into the person's ribs to your right (Fig 1.2).

If you can follow this safe and simple rules you can ease the pain and suffering of your neighbors during class time.

The End